Saturday, June 2, 2007

Welcome to Owen's World

Welcome to my new web page! My parents decided that it would be ideal to set up this "blog" site (thanks for the lesson Miss Julie) since I am growing sooooo fast and since our family resides all over the country! This way all of my family, friends and adoring fans can keep current with my adventures and milestones. I am 13 weeks old already! I can now successfully grab things and put them in my mouth, lift my head when I am on my stomach and talk up a storm. My favorite things to say are "grrrrr" "ah-boo" and "Ohhhh." My mom and dad agree that I am a genius because I can say "Ohhh," which is what they have been calling me.

Here are some highlights from my first three months:

(Feb.23.2007) Mom and Dad three days before I was born. My mom was a bridesmaid and was overly concerned that her water was going to break walking down the aisle. Yikes!

(Feb.26.2007)WATCH OUT WORLD, I have arrived...

(April.2007) Mom and I spent almost two weeks in her hometown. We visited so many people including my great grandparents in Connecticut. I loved my great granny's singing! Here are some pictures from our trip...

(May.12.2007) I love the beach... In mid May we traveled over to the west coast of Florida, to Fort Myers, to visit my Mimi and B-Pa Mandras who were vacationing there with friends. It my first time to the beach! Here are some pictures...

(May.2007) The week before Memorial Day, we traveled to Texas and Louisiana to visit my daddy's family and friends! We spent the first three days in Austin and then drove over to cajun country to spend the remaining week with my family. I loved meeting my three first cousins; Kristin, Charlie and Jake; as well as everyone else! I was showered in kisses and hugs. Here are some pictures:


Julie said...

Yea!!!! I love blogs and I just love you to pieces! tell your mommy to keep up the good work!

Aunt Amanda said...

I miss you!!!! Can't wait to see you again. Love you!

Reenie said...

Hi Ah-boo! We are so glad to be able to see how much you are growing and changing. Pop and I are going to purchase our webcam today. Can't wait to talk to you. We miss you so much...
Hugs and Kisses,
Reenie and Pop