Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ok... I know I have done a pretty poor job of keeping this updated weekly, as promised... but better late than never :)

Owen has changed so much this month. Around mid-September, we said goodbye to Owen's cranial cap, which was definitely worth the expensive and minor inconvenience of driving down to south Miami every week. His head is now perfectly round and his symmetry has improved vastly. We are so pleased with the improvement to his head shape and would recommend it to anyone considering the treatment. I must admit that taking him out in public now is alot more tolerable than it was with the cap, or helmet, since people would stare and offer indirect looks of sympathy.

We enrolled Owen in swim classes which are every Sunday morning and he just loves the water and actually kicked once during the first class. I was just so proud! Michael Phelps watch out... Pictures of him in class to follow soon.

Here are some recent photos on the little man...

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